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Photoshop Cs5 [Full Version]

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Adobe has released its latest version of Photoshop CS5. The latest version comes with lots of new features including Content Aware Fill, Superior HDR imaging, Extraordinary painting effects and many more features. Content Aware fill is something which is talked about very much. It can remove any image detail or object and watch as Content-Aware Fill magically fills in the space left behind. This breakthrough technology matches lighting, tone, and noise so it looks as if the removed content never existed. To experience the new features, download the trial version of CS5.

CS5 Logo

Photoshop CS5

Content aware fill

Overall there has been some changes in the toolbars and options available.


You can get your free copy of Photoshop CS5, the free trial version is a fully functional one for 30 days and can be downloaded from Adobe Website. You will need Adobe ID to download it.

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